Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why a blog?

Why am I blogging this? Wouldn't an email suffice?

I listen to, and appreciate, all of the feedback from everyone. There are so many things going on in the world of education that need to be addressed, but I don't want to overload inboxes with a daily email. What is a supervisor to do when there is so much to share, but so much on everyone's plate already? Thus, I reached out to my PLN on Twitter, talked with district admin, and thought about my own classroom. What features would be needed? What should I include? How much was too much?

To be clear, I did not want a place to stand on a soapbox to spread the information to the masses. This is not a blog about me. I wanted to streamline how I get information out to all of our science teachers, but also wanted to make sure everyone would have a searchable document that could be accessed whenever needed. We all know what happens to the email in Outlook after a few days or weeks. You reach your storage capacity, usually right around the time when everyone is sending you large, necessary files, and you feverishly start deleting before anyone else gets the email letting the world know you forgot to archive your email. With this blog, I'll send out a reminder link, and teachers can access it when they have the time, whether they delete the email or not.

If you are like me, you are probably wondering some things about the blog and what it means for you, the classroom teacher.

What will this blog contain? 
Department meeting agendas, resources for district teachers, calendars, and hopefully more clarity.

Will you be using this blog to flip our meetings?
I'd like to make better use of our time. I know everyone is busy. I'd like to post something a week ahead of the meeting, allow it to marinate, and then use that post as a springboard into a more thoughtful meeting.

Do I have to watch all of the YouTube videos and click on all of the links posted?
No, but they will be there as resources.

If I have a YouTube video or resource to share, can you blog it out?
Yes. You can also feel free to share great resources with your colleagues.

Can I be a guest blogger?
I would love that!

Can students guest blog?

Can I share pictures of my classroom activities on the blog?
You know it!

Can I comment on the blog?

Do I have to comment on the blog?

Aren't you worried teachers won't read this?
No. Teachers delete emails and throw away notes from their mailboxes. This is here to provide clear communication for everyone. I hope teachers take advantage of it!

Excited for the start of a new year,