Friday, February 28, 2014

Science resources for all

If you have ever clicked on the resource tab, I have complied multiple links for everyone.

Please take a minute to check it out. If there are other valuable sites that you would like to see added, please send them my way!

Thinking about NGSS? Engineers are cool.

Engineering practices resource:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Department Meeting 2.26.14

Each MS grade-level team and most HS course teams have expressed an interest in meeting with their teams on Wednesday. Please send me your meeting notes via Google Drive. 

Enjoy your meeting time with your colleagues. 


Monday, February 24, 2014

Independent Researchers

Our students are amazing and with your thoughtful guidance they often pursue independent research projects. If you are working with students this year, let's celebrate and highlight their hard work and achievements together.

Here is a link to Celena Chen's blog on her Duckweed Study under the direction of Dr. Bhattacharya: 

It continues to be an honor to work with such a dedicated group!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Important reminders

  1. A district expectation is for teachers to post grades on assignments within a two week window. Grades should be updated throughout the marking period so that students and parents can review the feedback. Our students should have a minimum of 2 grades per week to allow them multiple opportunities for success and pointed feedback.  In collecting data more frequently, we are better able to modify instruction. 
  2. Make sure that you and your colleagues (course or grade level) are providing similar opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of the important concepts throughout the marking period. A student's grade in one section should not be based on 3 assignments compared to a student in a different section who received 30 assignments.  Let us all have consistent feedback for the students we are serving. The standards and feedback should be determined collaboratively with your colleagues in your professional learning community. 
  3. Grades from the midterm common assessments cannot be used as a marking period grade as well. We cannot double dip these points. 
  4. February 15 will be here in a few days! Are we ready to roll out our SGO assessments?