Monday, March 17, 2014

ASCD PD opportunities

Looking for PD on being a connected educator? ASCD in Monroe has the following options:

For more information and additional workshop offerings, check out

My views on a prescribed pedagogical approach

I have been a science educator for more than 17 years and believe it to be the most amazing vocation for passionate, science enthusiasts. I fully support the personal choice of educators to know their students and to select innovative practices and pedagogical approaches to reach their students. I do not, and will not, support an educational system that forces all teachers to be cookie cutters of one prescribed approach. We all bring a uniqueness to our own classrooms and, in a world of overarching standards and learning outcomes setting the blueprints, we are the interior designers. I support teachers who take risks based on best practices, but will not institute a system where all teachers are following the same design. Know your students and the best ways to reach all of them.

Be you. Be awesome. Be the change!
