Monday, April 28, 2014

NGSS resources

A Reader's Guide for the NGSS is available to help teachers in the transition. You can click here to access the document. This resource is provided by the NSTA. 

If you are interested in checking out videos related to your discipline, you can click here for the Bozeman NGSS videos.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Final stretch

As we enter the final marking period, remember these standard science items:

Any summer assignments determined and agreed upon by you and your AP colleagues need to be sent to me so I may forward them to Martin Smith before April 30. If you cannot agree on the same assignment, you can only offer enrichment work and the assignment is voluntary and not graded. All summer work will be posted on the main district website. 

Complete your science orders with your subject or grade-level team. 

All microscopes should be moved to a central location for summer repairs. Email me the final locations ASAP so I can create a microscope map for the technicians. 

Scales and Spec 20s should also be stored in central location so the technicians can find them easily. 

All textbooks for each course should be counted and stored in a central location. A Google form will be shared for our book inventory. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Summer PD opportunities

EdCampSTEAM is August 5 at Linwood MS in North Brunswick. You can propose your own session or attend a session someone else is hosting. Last year was fantastic and highlighted by NJEA's Classroom CloseUp. PD hours are awarded and it is FREE! 

Investigating Environmental Issues in the Raritan Watershed 
July 28 to August 1 at Duke Farms, Hillsborough, NJ

Interested in trying out an online course this summer? Check out the any of these FREE courses: 

Please send me any summer PD opportunities you hear about so we can share them here!
