Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy New Year 2013-2014!

I hope your summer was restful and brings you back to school feeling reinvigorated! 

Welcome back to the start of another year of learning together. 

     Congratulations to Zetta Newell at    
     High School South on her summer 

     Erin Conrad is back from maternity 
     leave at High School North. 

     Shannon Devine is with us fulltime and shared between HSN and HSS.

     We also welcome Christian Rathbun 
     at GMS and Max Achtau at CMS. 

If you have other news to share, please let me know!

We will have our first department meeting on September 3, 2013. The primary purpose of the first meeting is to discuss SGOs.

    • MS teachers will meet at GMS from 10:30am-noon
    • HS teachers will meet at HSS from 1pm-3pm.

  • All of our meeting dates are listed on the Google Calendar on this blog. They will again fall on Wednesdays. You can add this calendar or manually add the dates in a calendar of your choice. I'll post the meeting agendas under the agenda tab as a running record. If you are a coach or club advisor, please make the necessary arrangements now.

  • The summer orders have been delivered and are awaiting final unpacking in most buildings. If you are short textbooks, please reach out after you have verified with your colleagues that there are no more books in the buildings.

  • Make sure you sign up for the district Twitter announcements as there will be no phone chain! 

  • Check out the blog for updates and information. I will use it as my primary site and way of maintaining clear and consistent communication with everyone. One blog post appears on the main page. Click on older posts to view additional postings. 

Enjoy the final days of your summer vacation and I look forward to an amazing year with everyone!


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