Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Recent Science Safety Incidents

Below is information provided by Flinn on the recent incidents: 

"On January 2, 2014 a fire and explosion occurred at a New York City high school injuring two students.  One student remains hospitalized with burns over 50% of his body.  Unfortunately, this was the fourth time in four months that similar accidents across the United States have occurred. These accidents are always tragic, and we can prevent them.  The message I wish to send to you is -- learn from these accidents . . . with better attention to good safety practices, accidents like these are entirely preventable.

www.flinnsci.com/MethylSafety "

Four days ago, Hightstown HS was also evacuated because of a science lab incident. 


Stay safe!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Department meeting agenda 1.15.14

Safety training
Please select the training that most meets your needs. We need to plan accordingly based on your responses. The in-person sessions (you will attend both) are January 29 and March 19. http://rmcscience.blogspot.com/2013/12/safety-training-differentiation.html

It is essential that we provide the highest level of safety in our science classrooms

This includes:
  • Being physically present at all times to supervise students wherever and whenever laboratory equipment or chemicals are used. Never leave students unattended—be prepared and anticipate student behavior to stop accidents before they happen.
  • Supervising students in the classroom and lab.
  • Providing adequate instructions for students to perform the tasks required of them.
  • Warning students of the possible dangers involved in performing lab activities.
For more information on safety regulations and suggestions, visit http://rmcscience.blogspot.com/2014/01/science-safety-notes.html

EdCamp Style PDhttps://sites.google.com/a/ww-p.org/wwpscience/edcamppd
January 15 at HSS
Danielson Group - Room 203
Tech Ninjas - Room 207
Standards Based Grading - Room 114
NGSS - Room 113
PLC Common Assessment Review - Science Workroom

Please make sure you sign up for your preferred sessions for the Feb and March meetings as well. 

February 26 at HSN
Sign up for your preferred session here.

March 26 at GMS
Sign up for your preferred session here. 

April 23 at CMS
Small and whole group share-out of what was learned.

Enjoy your learning journey! If you want to stay with your group and continue learning about the topic, sign up for the same session. If you want to try something different, you are free to do so as well. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Science Safety Notes

As is the case with many training systems designed for teachers in many states, some videos you watch may make reference to laws and court cases in other states. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of teachers and administrators to know the laws and regulations of their own states. 

We have a legal responsibility to be physically present in our classrooms. We are not to leave our classrooms unsupervised. This is standard operating procedure in our schools and is reiterated in the following notes from Flinn Scientific. 



Please email me if you have any questions. 

Thank you for maintaining the highest level of safety for our students!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to Learn TEDTalk

How has the world changed?
How are we responding to the changing paradigm?
How can we continue to provide our students with a world-class education?
How do we provide opportunities for our students to use their voices?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Calling all tech ninjas and those who aspire to learn more about digital leadership...

NJASCD North Region Workshop- Focus: Digital Leadership and Learning
Click to be directed to the online registration form.

Keynote: Eric Sheninger
Eric is the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School located in Bergen County, NJ. His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change to transform school cultures. As a result Eric has emerged as an innovative leader and sought after speaker. His main focus is the use of social media and web 2.0 technology as tools to engage students, improve communications with stakeholders, enhance public relations, create a positive brand presence, discover opportunity, transform learning spaces, and help educators grow professionally. Please visit www.ericsheninger.com for more information.

Breakout Sessions to follow Keynote:

Session #1: Brad Currie (Chester) and Matt Hall (Bernards)
Session #2: Samantha Morra (EdTechTeacher) and Jay Eitner (Alloways Creek)
Session #3: Scott Rocco (Spotswood) and Rebecca McLelland-Crawley (West Windsor)

David Brearley High School, 401 Monroe Avenue Avenue, Kenilworth, NJ
Wednesday, Feb. 26th 2014 at 4:15pm

If you are interested in attending this in lieu of the department meeting on 2/26, please submit a request for reimbursement for the workshop and applicable travel. If you would like to attend virtually, please contact me so I can invite you to the Google Hangout at no cost.

2014 6-12 Department Meeting Dates January-April

Our revised schedule, so we can all meet, share, and learn together, is as follows:

January 15 at HSS
Sign up for your preferred session here.

February 26 at HSN
Sign up for your preferred session here.

March 26 at GMS
Sign up for your preferred session here. 

April 23 at CMS
Small and whole group share-out of what was learned.

Digital Learning Day

Interested in submitting a plan of how you will use educational technology on Feb 5 for Digital Learning Day? The link is below. 


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Emergency notifications

WW-P will post emergency closing information on the district web site and on the main district telephone number (609-716-5000). You also can receive emergency closing information via your cell phone from the WW-P Twitter account. There are two ways to get this information:


1. If you do not have a Twitter account (or if you do not want an account), follow us on Twitter this way: From your cell phone, send this text "follow WWP_Notices" to 40404. Do not use quotation marks and there is a space between 'follow' and 'WWP_Notices.'


2. If you have a Twitter account, follow WWP_Notices


To remove your phone from Twitter: Send STOP twice in succession to 40404, which will delete you from Twitter.


There will be no phone calls made regarding school closings.