Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Department meeting agenda 1.15.14

Safety training
Please select the training that most meets your needs. We need to plan accordingly based on your responses. The in-person sessions (you will attend both) are January 29 and March 19.

It is essential that we provide the highest level of safety in our science classrooms

This includes:
  • Being physically present at all times to supervise students wherever and whenever laboratory equipment or chemicals are used. Never leave students unattended—be prepared and anticipate student behavior to stop accidents before they happen.
  • Supervising students in the classroom and lab.
  • Providing adequate instructions for students to perform the tasks required of them.
  • Warning students of the possible dangers involved in performing lab activities.
For more information on safety regulations and suggestions, visit

EdCamp Style PD
January 15 at HSS
Danielson Group - Room 203
Tech Ninjas - Room 207
Standards Based Grading - Room 114
NGSS - Room 113
PLC Common Assessment Review - Science Workroom

Please make sure you sign up for your preferred sessions for the Feb and March meetings as well. 

February 26 at HSN
Sign up for your preferred session here.

March 26 at GMS
Sign up for your preferred session here. 

April 23 at CMS
Small and whole group share-out of what was learned.

Enjoy your learning journey! If you want to stay with your group and continue learning about the topic, sign up for the same session. If you want to try something different, you are free to do so as well. 

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