Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Middle School Department Meeting 5.14.14

In the next few weeks, please remember to: 
  • Complete your science orders with your subject or grade-level team. 
  • All microscopes should be moved to a central location for summer repairs. Please email me and your building secretaries & administrators the final locations ASAP so we know where to direct the technicians. 
  • Scales in need of repair should also be stored in central location so the technicians can find them easily. 

What are your summer plans?

EdCampSTEAM is August 5 at Linwood MS in North Brunswick. You can propose your own session or attend a session someone else is hosting. Last year was fantastic and highlighted by NJEA's Classroom CloseUp. PD hours are awarded and it is FREE! 

Want to spend some time getting to know the NGSS? 

You are valued. You are awesome. Live your dreams. 

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