Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SGO and common assessment misconceptions

I want to try to clear up a misconception that exists at the high school level. The entire common planning team for a subject needs to be in agreement about 3 common assessments that you will use as a midterm grade for the students. These are to be given to the students during the 1st semester. All teachers need to use the common assessments for the midterm grades that are entered into IC. 

The SGO is only given by the teachers who are in your SGO group. Your SGO (given to the students between Feb 15-April 1) should be on a big topic, experimental design for example, and also include a competency. Your SGO task needs to be determined and agreed upon by the team and written up for approval by 10/31. Most of the teams have already completed this and can serve as a resource to you. Please let me know how I can help your team. I have plenty of samples that I can share with your group to help you move along. 
As always, do not hesitate to reach out to me with your questions and concerns!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Next Generation Science Standards update

The NGSS are poised to be adopted in NJ after the December NJBOE meeting. NJ was one of the lead states and I, along with many other science leaders, have voiced support of the new standards to both the Commissioner and NJBOE. The NJDOE has stated that even if the standards were not adopted, whatever new standards were developed and used moving forward would mirror those of the NGSS.

WWP is completing a Gap Analysis with Rider University of our existing program to identify any areas where we will need to make changes.

The dates of these sessions are:
12/12 for 3-5 grade
2/21 for 6-8 grade
2/28 for 9-12 grade

If you would like to learn more about the NGSS, please check out this presentation

This year, we will shift our thinking to the science practices and begin thinking about the differences between science practices and engineering practices as well.

Disclaimer: The presentation is designed to take your PLC through the practices, cross-cutting concepts, and core ideas throughout the school year. The presentation will take your team several sessions to review. It is NOT something you are required to view or examine this year. With NJ serving as a lead state and major contributor to the standards, many of the science practices listed are things we do in our science classrooms anyway.

I am actively looking for teachers who are interested in pursuing study groups about the NGSS who will serve as leaders in this area and turnkey information to their colleagues. Please reach out if you are interested.You will join our team from the summer to create model lessons for our district.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Middle school department meeting 10.9.13

Please register for a Flinn account here:

You will be given back 5 department meetings and there will be a session on the district Pd 
day to give you time to complete these. Please send me your certificate by June 30. 

If you have questions regarding your SGO, please email me. I am here to help!

21st century competencies are on the staff resource site. Email me if you cannot find them. 

10/18 - 7th grade PD 
10/23- 8th grade PD 

Assessments to me by 10/31!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Have you booked your time yet?

Please verify with this calendar. If you do not see your name here, you did not add your dates to my calendar. They may be on your Google calendar. It's easy to check. Click on the entry you made and hit the edit button to see the details. You can check which calendar you set your pre-conf, observation, and post-conf by looking at the assigned calendar. Use the drop down menu to add the events to my observation calendar.


Friday, October 4, 2013

A thought for the weekend

How can we inspire all of our students to think outside of the box?

What are some of the ways you push your lessons to challenge the way they think? Are there ways we can think differently about our lessons to create personalized environments that lend themselves to divergent thinking?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Always learning. Always growing. 

October is Connected Educator month. I have no expectation for teachers to use Twitter; however, tremendous resources exist. If you would like more information on Connected Educator Month, please visit 

Here are two upcoming professional development experiences worth checking out! 

From NJEA: 

Don’t miss the Edscape Conference – the innovative learning conference designed to transform your teaching and learning practices - at New Milford HS on Saturday October 19.  

Edscape’s goal is to explore how learning environments can be established to promote critical thought, inquiry, problem solving and creativity.
For only $35 attendees will have access to an internationally-renowned keynote, two featured national presenters, 60 concurrent sessions, breakfast/lunch, giveaways, and networking opportunities.  
For more information and to register visit

From EdCamp NJ:

Looking for ideas to grow? EdCamp NJ is free and is also completely free of vendors. Have something to share? Add it to the wall in the morning. Want to learn about something new? There will be several sessions, so if you start in one and want something else, use the law of two feet. Walk out and find what you need! 

Free tickets available at