Monday, October 21, 2013

Next Generation Science Standards update

The NGSS are poised to be adopted in NJ after the December NJBOE meeting. NJ was one of the lead states and I, along with many other science leaders, have voiced support of the new standards to both the Commissioner and NJBOE. The NJDOE has stated that even if the standards were not adopted, whatever new standards were developed and used moving forward would mirror those of the NGSS.

WWP is completing a Gap Analysis with Rider University of our existing program to identify any areas where we will need to make changes.

The dates of these sessions are:
12/12 for 3-5 grade
2/21 for 6-8 grade
2/28 for 9-12 grade

If you would like to learn more about the NGSS, please check out this presentation

This year, we will shift our thinking to the science practices and begin thinking about the differences between science practices and engineering practices as well.

Disclaimer: The presentation is designed to take your PLC through the practices, cross-cutting concepts, and core ideas throughout the school year. The presentation will take your team several sessions to review. It is NOT something you are required to view or examine this year. With NJ serving as a lead state and major contributor to the standards, many of the science practices listed are things we do in our science classrooms anyway.

I am actively looking for teachers who are interested in pursuing study groups about the NGSS who will serve as leaders in this area and turnkey information to their colleagues. Please reach out if you are interested.You will join our team from the summer to create model lessons for our district.


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