Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SGO and common assessment misconceptions

I want to try to clear up a misconception that exists at the high school level. The entire common planning team for a subject needs to be in agreement about 3 common assessments that you will use as a midterm grade for the students. These are to be given to the students during the 1st semester. All teachers need to use the common assessments for the midterm grades that are entered into IC. 

The SGO is only given by the teachers who are in your SGO group. Your SGO (given to the students between Feb 15-April 1) should be on a big topic, experimental design for example, and also include a competency. Your SGO task needs to be determined and agreed upon by the team and written up for approval by 10/31. Most of the teams have already completed this and can serve as a resource to you. Please let me know how I can help your team. I have plenty of samples that I can share with your group to help you move along. 
As always, do not hesitate to reach out to me with your questions and concerns!

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