Monday, December 16, 2013

How are we using educational technology?
There are big questions we need to ask ourselves when we use technology in our classrooms. What is the purpose? Will this transform the learning experience? Is this a mere substitution of what I already do well without tech? 

When integrated thoughtfully, educational technology can be extremely powerful and redefine the student-centered environment we are all hoping to achieve. 

It is really easy to be pulled in by the glitz and glamour of edtech. If we are very deliberate in our usage, we can ensure we are taking student learning to new heights.

Not heard of the SAMR model? No worries! You probably know it by another name or description. 

Check out the links below for resources on the ways teachers can integrate more technology in their classrooms

Ruben Puentedura's Weblog

Dr. Ruben Puentedura - iTunes podcasts

Check out the SAMR model explained in 120 seconds

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