Thursday, December 19, 2013

Safety Training Differentiation

Just as our students require differentiation strategies, we will be applying the same principle to our safety training this year. Make your selection through the embedded form on this post!

The following has been set up to accommodate the different needs of our faculty:

If you would prefer to have a face-to-face, compliance only, safety training for the 2013-2014 school year, there will be two 45-minute sessions. They will be given at HSS and HSN on January 29 and March 12. You will need to attend both of these sessions to be provided with the content of specific handling of chemicals and lab safety. Teachers from South and Grover will meet at HSS. Teachers from North and Community will meet at HSN. The dates that were initially given back to the department to provide teachers with time to complete the training videos will be put back into the calendar as face-to-face sessions for your PLCs.

Teachers who elect this option, but have already signed up for the Flinn workshop for January 31, may cancel their sessions and select alternate sessions. 

The face-to-face training, coupled with the two department meetings using Flinn videos and our current GCN videos, will allow us to comply with the minimum standards required by PEOSHA for this school year only. 

   If a teacher elects the face-to-face training dates, he or she will need to go through a minimal training next school year as well. Anyone who uses the Flinn training will not require any in-depth safety training before the 2015-2016 school year. 

      Anyone who has already completed the video training will not be required to attend any meetings or planning sessions for PLCs that occur on the dates that have already been given back to the department. 

     If you wish to complete the video program, you will just need to complete the training (January PD day and meeting dates that have already been given back and are listed on the calendar) and send me the certificate by July 1. These videos provide you with information that is above and beyond mere compliance for the state. As such, anyone who completes this series, will not have to attend any additional safety training next school year. Again, you will not be required to attend any common planning sessions or meetings that have already been given back to the department. 


      Should you wish to be part of a science safety committee moving forward, please reach out. Given the types of investigations taking place in our classrooms, and the inherent danger of our department, it would be a tremendous asset to our district to have multiple minds working on a plan for the safest classroom environments. 

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