Friday, December 20, 2013

A Pep Talk from Kid President to You - Teachers and everyone!

What if all humans thought like this?

"What will be your Space Jam? This is your time. This is our time. We are on the same team."

Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!

You are teaching the world how to be awesome! Continue to be amazing!

See you in 2014!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Safety Training Differentiation

Just as our students require differentiation strategies, we will be applying the same principle to our safety training this year. Make your selection through the embedded form on this post!

The following has been set up to accommodate the different needs of our faculty:

If you would prefer to have a face-to-face, compliance only, safety training for the 2013-2014 school year, there will be two 45-minute sessions. They will be given at HSS and HSN on January 29 and March 12. You will need to attend both of these sessions to be provided with the content of specific handling of chemicals and lab safety. Teachers from South and Grover will meet at HSS. Teachers from North and Community will meet at HSN. The dates that were initially given back to the department to provide teachers with time to complete the training videos will be put back into the calendar as face-to-face sessions for your PLCs.

Teachers who elect this option, but have already signed up for the Flinn workshop for January 31, may cancel their sessions and select alternate sessions. 

The face-to-face training, coupled with the two department meetings using Flinn videos and our current GCN videos, will allow us to comply with the minimum standards required by PEOSHA for this school year only. 

   If a teacher elects the face-to-face training dates, he or she will need to go through a minimal training next school year as well. Anyone who uses the Flinn training will not require any in-depth safety training before the 2015-2016 school year. 

      Anyone who has already completed the video training will not be required to attend any meetings or planning sessions for PLCs that occur on the dates that have already been given back to the department. 

     If you wish to complete the video program, you will just need to complete the training (January PD day and meeting dates that have already been given back and are listed on the calendar) and send me the certificate by July 1. These videos provide you with information that is above and beyond mere compliance for the state. As such, anyone who completes this series, will not have to attend any additional safety training next school year. Again, you will not be required to attend any common planning sessions or meetings that have already been given back to the department. 


      Should you wish to be part of a science safety committee moving forward, please reach out. Given the types of investigations taking place in our classrooms, and the inherent danger of our department, it would be a tremendous asset to our district to have multiple minds working on a plan for the safest classroom environments. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

How are we using educational technology?
There are big questions we need to ask ourselves when we use technology in our classrooms. What is the purpose? Will this transform the learning experience? Is this a mere substitution of what I already do well without tech? 

When integrated thoughtfully, educational technology can be extremely powerful and redefine the student-centered environment we are all hoping to achieve. 

It is really easy to be pulled in by the glitz and glamour of edtech. If we are very deliberate in our usage, we can ensure we are taking student learning to new heights.

Not heard of the SAMR model? No worries! You probably know it by another name or description. 

Check out the links below for resources on the ways teachers can integrate more technology in their classrooms

Ruben Puentedura's Weblog

Dr. Ruben Puentedura - iTunes podcasts

Check out the SAMR model explained in 120 seconds

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Middle School Department Meeting Agenda 12/11/13

1. Jellybeans.
2. Clarifications:

  • I have no expectation that you, or your students, are tweeting or blogging. 
  • I do expect that we continue to use our best practices to impact the lives of our students and continue to grow as professionals.
  • I do expect you to take your time completing the Flinn videos. The certificate is due to me by July 1. You can sign up for 1 or 2 sessions on the January PD day and there are 5 meetings that have been given back to you so you can complete the video modules on your own time whenever it is convenient for you. In two years time, we can re-evaluate how we as a department will comply with training everyone based on the regulations and time constraints. If you have suggestions, please reach out!
  • Please continue to reach out to me whenever you have a concern.

3. Review the stations of our edcamp-style model of PD 

In our January-March department meetings we will be coming together to talk about the things that matter most to us: our interests, passions, and questions. These meetings have been designed to provide us with greater flexibility and autonomy and truly focus on areas that we have identified for continued growth. 

  • The Danielson Framework (Group members will review the rubric and develop a document detailing specific classroom strategies that mirror the expectations in the Framework.)

  • Tech Ninjas (The kickoff session will begin with Alan Johnson and Sharon Feig sharing information on the district initiative and the long-term plan. Group members will then develop ways to use technology and Google Apps for Education in the science classroom.)

  • Standards-based Grading (Group members will be developing strategies for implementation in their respective courses.)

  • Next Generation Science Standards (Group members will discuss ideas for implementing the science practices of the NGSS and create a document that will be shared with all science teachers.)

    • Vertical Articulation (Group members will focus on how the core concepts spiral 6-12 and the best practices to increase student proficiency in science.)

    • Common Assessment review (PLCs will review the shared work of their students in order to determine if the students have demonstrated proficiency on the common tasks and develop ways to differentiate based on the data.)

    You will have the opportunity to either stay with a group for the three sessions or to switch if you are interested in one or more of the other sessions. 

    If none of the above choices are appealing to you, please make a recommendation. You will be able to select based on how you would like to grow professionally.

    Please sign up on the Google Spreadsheet to sign up for only one of the sessions in January. You will have the opportunity to sign up for additional sessions in February and March as well. 

    4. 20 things we should say more often. 

    Have a great Winter Break and continue to be awesome. Our January meeting is on the 15th with all 6-12 teachers. 

    Wednesday, December 4, 2013

    Department Meeting Agenda 12.4.13 HSS room 207 3:20pm

    1. Jellybeans.
    2. Clarifications:

    • I have no expectation that you, or your students, are tweeting or blogging. 
    • I do expect that we continue to use our best practices to impact the lives of our students and continue to grow as professionals.
    • I do expect you to take your time completing the Flinn videos. The certificate is due to me by July 1. You can sign up for 1 or 2 sessions on the January PD day and there are 5 meetings that have been given back to you so you can complete the video modules on your own time whenever it is convenient for you. In two years time, we can re-evaluate how we as a department will comply with training everyone based on the regulations and time constraints. If you have suggestions, please reach out!
    • Please keep grades up to date in IC. 
    • Please continue to reach out to me whenever you have a concern.

    3. Review the stations of our edcamp-style model of PD 

    In our January-March department meetings we will be coming together to talk about the things that matter most to us: our interests, passions, and questions. These meetings have been designed to provide us with greater flexibility and autonomy and truly focus on areas that we have identified for continued growth. 

    • The Danielson Framework (Group members will review the rubric and develop a document detailing specific classroom strategies that mirror the expectations in the Framework.)

    • Tech Ninjas (The kickoff session will begin with Alan Johnson and Sharon Feig sharing information on the district initiative and the long-term plan. Group members will then develop ways to use technology and Google Apps for Education in the science classroom.)

    • Standards-based Grading (Group members will be developing strategies for implementation in their respective courses.)

    • Next Generation Science Standards (Group members will discuss ideas for implementing the science practices of the NGSS and create a document that will be shared with all science teachers.)

      • Vertical Articulation (Group members will focus on how the core concepts spiral 6-12 and the best practices to increase student proficiency in science.)

      • Common Assessment review (PLCs will review the shared work of their students in order to determine if the students have demonstrated proficiency on the common tasks and develop ways to differentiate based on the data.)

      You will have the opportunity to either stay with a group for the three sessions or to switch if you are interested in one or more of the other sessions. 

      If none of the above choices are appealing to you, please make a recommendation. You will be able to select based on how you would like to grow professionally.

      Please sign up on the Google Spreadsheet to sign up for only one of the sessions in January. You will have the opportunity to sign up for additional sessions in February and March as well. 

      4. 20 things we should say more often. 

      Have a great Winter Break and continue to be awesome. Our January meeting is on the 15th with all 6-12 teachers. 

      Wednesday, November 27, 2013

      The Danielson Guide to a Highly Effective Thanksgiving

      I am very grateful for all of you for making a difference in the lives of our children each day! Major thanks to all the teachers in WWP who shared this today, especially Allan Johnson and Mike Zapicchi. It definitely brought a smile to many faces today.

      Happy Thanksgiving!


      Unsatisfactory: You don't know how to cook a turkey. You serve a chicken instead. 
      Half your family doesn't show because they are unmotivated by your invitation, which was 
      issued at the last minute via Facebook. The other half turn on the football game and fall
      asleep. Your aunt tells your uncle where to stick the drumstick and a brawl erupts. 
      Food is served on paper plates in front of the TV. You watch the game, and root for
      the Redskins.

      Needs Improvement: You set the alarm, but don't get up and the turkey is undercooked.
      3 children are laughing while you say grace. 4 of your nephews refuse to watch the 
      game with the rest of the family because you have failed to offer differentiated
      game choices. Conversation during dinner is marked by family members mumbling under
      their breath at your Aunt Rose, who confuses the Mayflower with the Titanic.
      Only the drunk guests thank you on the way out. Your team loses the game.

      Proficient: The turkey is heated to the right temperature. All the guests, whom you have 
      invited by formal written correspondence, arrive on time with their assigned dish to pass.
      Your nephew sneaks near the desert dish, but quickly walks away when you mention that it
      is being saved until after dinner. You share a meal in which all family members speak 
      respectfully in turn as they share their thoughts on the meaning of Thanksgiving. 
      All foods served at the table can be traced historically to the time of the Pilgrims. 
      You watch the game as a family, cheer in unison for your team. They win.

      Distinguished: The turkey, which has been growing free range in your back yard, 
      comes in your house and jumps in the oven. The guests, who wrote to ask you to please
      be invited to your house, show early with foods to fit all dietary and cultural needs.
      You watch the game on tape, but only as an video prompt for your family discussion 
      of man's inhumanity to man. Your family plays six degrees of Sir Francis Bacon and is thus 
      able to resolve, once and for all, the issue of whether Oswald acted alone.

      Tuesday, November 26, 2013

      What does teacher-driven professional learning look like?

      Professional Pathway In a More Teacher-Driven Profession...

      Professional development for teachers today is often done "to us," not "by us."  There is a lack of consistency in these top down PD initiatives, as different solutions to old problems are tried almost yearly, but never actually established or appropriately reflected upon by teachers and leaders.  These "flavor of the month" initiatives are met with a lot of eye rolling by teachers, because they rarely speak directly to the needs we have in our classrooms. What's especially strange to me about this model is that it does not set up teachers to be the experts in our own field. 
      ImagesI imagine that in a transformed, more teacher-driven profession, most teachers would have a professional pathway that looks something like this--
      1. Acquire the basics of teaching. Get over the hump of being a beginner through experience, mentorship, reflection.
      2. Identify areas of interest, such as designing assessments, teaching the skills of collaboration to students, or connecting with communities around student learning, to name a few possibilities. 
      3. Explore these areas deeply in their own teaching, drawing on available research and methods and developing their own practices that work for their students in their school
      4. Participate in discourse around these practices within the wider profession.  Unfortunately, the discourse has often included only professors and researchers, and to some degree, preservice or beginning teachers through course work, but not experienced, practicing teachers!
      5. Finally, share developments with other teachers, both in teaching/school contexts and outside. Teachers could write, present at conferences, and move into various leadership roles.
      Many teachers already have a pathway that looks like this, but they do so, by going against the grain of the established professional development models, and they often don't get recognized or credited for their professional growth and knowledge.  
      The result of a more teacher-driven professional growth model would be a more deeply skilled, empowered teaching force, in which we are clearly the experts at what we do.

      Monday, November 25, 2013

      Choices for Professional Learning

      In our January-March department meetings we will be coming together to talk about the things that matter most to us: our interests, passions, and questions. These meetings have been designed to provide us with greater flexibility and autonomy and truly focus on areas that we have identified for continued growth. 
      All 6-12 science teachers will be meeting on January 15. 
      The current choices are:

      • The Danielson Framework (Group members will review the rubric and develop a document detailing specific classroom strategies that mirror the expectations in the Framework.)

      • Tech Ninjas (The kickoff session will begin with Alan Johnson and Sharon Feig sharing information on the district initiative and the long-term plan. Group members will then develop ways to use technology and Google Apps for Education in the science classroom.)

      • Standards-based Grading (Group members will be developing strategies for implementation in their respective courses.)

      • Next Generation Science Standards (Group members will discuss ideas for implementing the science practices of the NGSS and create a document that will be shared with all science teachers.)

      • Vertical Articulation (Group members will focus on how the core concepts spiral 6-12 and the best practices to increase student proficiency in science.)

      • Common Assessment review (PLCs will review the shared work of their students in order to determine if the students have demonstrated proficiency on the common tasks and develop ways to differentiate based on the data.)

      You will have the opportunity to either stay with a group for the three sessions or to switch if you are interested in one or more of the other sessions. 

      If none of the above choices are appealing to you, please make a recommendation. You will be able to select based on how you would like to grow professionally. 

      Please sign up on the Google Spreadsheet to sign up for only one of the sessions in January. You will have the opportunity to sign up for additional sessions in February and March as well. 

      We will regroup in April to share out our experiences as a whole. 

      Monday, November 18, 2013

      Formative assessment padlet - Let's share on the wall!

      Formative assessment padlet for sharing ideas! Double click anywhere on the wall to add a link, article, or thought. The link to our formative assessment wall is

      Monday, November 11, 2013

      Chromebook experiences by our 5th graders

      After 2 months with their Chromebooks, our 5th graders put together a video highlighting their experiences. What creative practices can you imagine for these students when they are in your classroom?

      Right to Understand - November Department Meeting

      Tuesday, November 5, 2013

      Flinn Online Training

      In an effort to provide each individual science teacher with more intensive safety training, I have given back 5 department meetings to provide you with the time necessary to complete the Flinn Online Safety Course modules at the location of your choice. Please make sure you complete the training, print out your certificate, and send a copy to me before July 1. I will forward all of your certificates to Alicia Boyko for your PD hours.

      You can sign up for one or two sessions at the January in-service day as well if you need additional time to complete the training modules. If you would prefer to attend a different session during the PD day, you can use time during one of the department meetings to catch up on the training. 

      If you want to view the videos on you iPad or iPhone please download the free browser Puffin from the App Store. Puffin allows you to view Flash on these devices. You can also use Puffin for the students o use the PHet Simulations on iPads! 

      If you are a high school teacher, you will sign up for the HS safety course.

      If you are a middle school teacher, you will sign up for the MS safety course.

      Thank you so much for making safety a priority in your classroom!

      Wednesday, October 23, 2013

      SGO and common assessment misconceptions

      I want to try to clear up a misconception that exists at the high school level. The entire common planning team for a subject needs to be in agreement about 3 common assessments that you will use as a midterm grade for the students. These are to be given to the students during the 1st semester. All teachers need to use the common assessments for the midterm grades that are entered into IC. 

      The SGO is only given by the teachers who are in your SGO group. Your SGO (given to the students between Feb 15-April 1) should be on a big topic, experimental design for example, and also include a competency. Your SGO task needs to be determined and agreed upon by the team and written up for approval by 10/31. Most of the teams have already completed this and can serve as a resource to you. Please let me know how I can help your team. I have plenty of samples that I can share with your group to help you move along. 
      As always, do not hesitate to reach out to me with your questions and concerns!

      Monday, October 21, 2013

      Next Generation Science Standards update

      The NGSS are poised to be adopted in NJ after the December NJBOE meeting. NJ was one of the lead states and I, along with many other science leaders, have voiced support of the new standards to both the Commissioner and NJBOE. The NJDOE has stated that even if the standards were not adopted, whatever new standards were developed and used moving forward would mirror those of the NGSS.

      WWP is completing a Gap Analysis with Rider University of our existing program to identify any areas where we will need to make changes.

      The dates of these sessions are:
      12/12 for 3-5 grade
      2/21 for 6-8 grade
      2/28 for 9-12 grade

      If you would like to learn more about the NGSS, please check out this presentation

      This year, we will shift our thinking to the science practices and begin thinking about the differences between science practices and engineering practices as well.

      Disclaimer: The presentation is designed to take your PLC through the practices, cross-cutting concepts, and core ideas throughout the school year. The presentation will take your team several sessions to review. It is NOT something you are required to view or examine this year. With NJ serving as a lead state and major contributor to the standards, many of the science practices listed are things we do in our science classrooms anyway.

      I am actively looking for teachers who are interested in pursuing study groups about the NGSS who will serve as leaders in this area and turnkey information to their colleagues. Please reach out if you are interested.You will join our team from the summer to create model lessons for our district.


      Wednesday, October 9, 2013

      Middle school department meeting 10.9.13

      Please register for a Flinn account here:

      You will be given back 5 department meetings and there will be a session on the district Pd 
      day to give you time to complete these. Please send me your certificate by June 30. 

      If you have questions regarding your SGO, please email me. I am here to help!

      21st century competencies are on the staff resource site. Email me if you cannot find them. 

      10/18 - 7th grade PD 
      10/23- 8th grade PD 

      Assessments to me by 10/31!

      Monday, October 7, 2013

      Have you booked your time yet?

      Please verify with this calendar. If you do not see your name here, you did not add your dates to my calendar. They may be on your Google calendar. It's easy to check. Click on the entry you made and hit the edit button to see the details. You can check which calendar you set your pre-conf, observation, and post-conf by looking at the assigned calendar. Use the drop down menu to add the events to my observation calendar.


      Friday, October 4, 2013

      A thought for the weekend

      How can we inspire all of our students to think outside of the box?

      What are some of the ways you push your lessons to challenge the way they think? Are there ways we can think differently about our lessons to create personalized environments that lend themselves to divergent thinking?

      Wednesday, October 2, 2013

      Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

      Always learning. Always growing. 

      October is Connected Educator month. I have no expectation for teachers to use Twitter; however, tremendous resources exist. If you would like more information on Connected Educator Month, please visit 

      Here are two upcoming professional development experiences worth checking out! 

      From NJEA: 

      Don’t miss the Edscape Conference – the innovative learning conference designed to transform your teaching and learning practices - at New Milford HS on Saturday October 19.  

      Edscape’s goal is to explore how learning environments can be established to promote critical thought, inquiry, problem solving and creativity.
      For only $35 attendees will have access to an internationally-renowned keynote, two featured national presenters, 60 concurrent sessions, breakfast/lunch, giveaways, and networking opportunities.  
      For more information and to register visit

      From EdCamp NJ:

      Looking for ideas to grow? EdCamp NJ is free and is also completely free of vendors. Have something to share? Add it to the wall in the morning. Want to learn about something new? There will be several sessions, so if you start in one and want something else, use the law of two feet. Walk out and find what you need! 

      Free tickets available at

      Wednesday, September 25, 2013

      9.25 Meeting Causes for Laboratory Accidents - Flinn Scientific (+playlist)

      Questions? Concerns? Please use our back channel at:

      1. Causes for Laboratory Accidents - Flinn Scientific (+playlist)

      What is the biggest reason for safety accidents in a high school classes?

      70% of all accidents occur at what grade level?

      What are some of the things we can do to prepare our students and teachers to promote greater safety awareness in WWP?

      * We are exploring the possibility of the Flinn course in lieu of a few department meetings later in the year. We are also planning on a safety session at the January PD day. *

      2. Celebrations and sharing

      3. Grades in IC (use radial buttons to indicate assignments and enter whether it was submitted on-time, then grade within a 2 week window and enter in IC - Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities) ALSO - Common assessments as the midterm are entered in a separate bucket within IC. 

      4. Review of SGO information and timelines (please see the blog post on the deadlines)

      5. Carolyn SooHoo (chem and physics stay in 215, biology exam to 214) 

      6. SGO meetings - email (Google Doc) updates to group and me regarding common assessments and SGO

      October is Connected Educator month. I have no expectation for teachers to use Twitter; however, tremendous resources exist. If you would like more information on Connected Educator Month, please visit 

      Monday, September 23, 2013

      Cultivating a culture of learning together!

      I'm very excited to have teachers and students jumping at the opportunity to share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences through this blog. If you are interested in contributing to our culture of learning together, please send me an email. I would love to highlight the great ideas we have so we can all learn from our colleagues! Check out our first blog post under "Learning Together - Teacher Voices" from Dr. Andrea Knorr. 

      Have a great weekend!

      Wednesday, September 11, 2013

      Lesson plans and lesson planning

      The weekly plans you submit should give any observer an eye into your classroom. When an observer enters your room for an evaluation, your plans will be reviewed and looking for the connections to the classroom practice, district curriculum, and student-centered, differentiated instruction (See the Power Components for Danielson).

      Your plans should include at minimum:
      1. objective (student learning outcome, not an activity)
      2. standards (NJCCCS, CB, NGSS)
      3. formative assessments 
      4. procedure

      Team planning is ideal because you provide the students with the best possible versions of learning activities and assessments. Please own your plans and have a backup. If you are writing them out in Word or Google Drive, you can easily paste them into My Lesson Planner.

      Tuesday, September 3, 2013


      Two birds, one stone.

      **Middle School will meet on 9/18 (CMS) and High School will meet 9/25 (HSN). Please check the calendar regularly.**

      We are here to support each other in this process. There is time for teachers to collaborate during 1/2 professional days as well to write and refine this assessment.

      Within your cohort of teachers, please bring your assessments (one that you have developed) to our October meetings. We will refine them together so by October 31, you can submit a completed assessment and rubric for your group. We will meet within your cohorts individually to finalize your SGO forms by November 4. Teachers will need to submit their SGO forms to their principals by November 11. 

      Our assessments will be administered to the students by the end of March (or beginning of April) so you have time to score the assessments with your group.

      When your subject or grade-level team develops the common assessment to be given between Feb 15 and April 1, your 2 SGOs should include 1 on content and 1 on a 21st Century Competency. 

      SGO assessments will be designed for the following courses (please see me if you have a concern or request):

      Biology (CP level)
      AP Biology
      Conceptual Physics
      Physics (Regular)
      Honors Physics 
      Chemistry (CP level)
      Honors Chemistry

      As we work to develop any common assessment, the task should be aligned toward the right side of this diagram. Our design focus in common assessments should be authentic and rubric-based. It does not have to be a long PBL task, but it should also not consist of only multiple choice questions. Our goal is to assess what our students have mastered and the skills they have acquired. What are the most important concepts and skills your team thinks all students should have under their belt by the end of the 3rd quarter?

      Please review the presentation from our department meeting for clarification.

      The direct link is:

      Middle School meets on 9/18 at CMS.
      High School meets on 9/25 at HSN.

      Wednesday, August 28, 2013

      Classroom climate!

      How do you get to know your students in your classroom? How do they get to know you, your passions, and your style? Do you set aside time from day 1 to build rapport and a sense of community in your class? There are plenty of days to delve into science content. Without establishing a positive climate based on mutual respect and learning first, we miss out on a huge opportunity for a truly successful year for every child. 

      Here are some ideas, but I would love for others to share what has worked or things you might want to try. 

      • Student questionnaires
      • Learning style inventories
      • Student interviews with introductions 
      • Scavenger hunts
      • Class icebreakers like inner and outer circles
      • "All About Me" blog posts or brochures for teachers and students 
      • Playdoh creations - build something that represents you
      • Engineering hands-on problem or similar

      Have an idea? Please share!

      Please remember this - kids need champions! 


      Happy New Year 2013-2014!

      I hope your summer was restful and brings you back to school feeling reinvigorated! 

      Welcome back to the start of another year of learning together. 

           Congratulations to Zetta Newell at    
           High School South on her summer 

           Erin Conrad is back from maternity 
           leave at High School North. 

           Shannon Devine is with us fulltime and shared between HSN and HSS.

           We also welcome Christian Rathbun 
           at GMS and Max Achtau at CMS. 

      If you have other news to share, please let me know!

      We will have our first department meeting on September 3, 2013. The primary purpose of the first meeting is to discuss SGOs.

        • MS teachers will meet at GMS from 10:30am-noon
        • HS teachers will meet at HSS from 1pm-3pm.

      • All of our meeting dates are listed on the Google Calendar on this blog. They will again fall on Wednesdays. You can add this calendar or manually add the dates in a calendar of your choice. I'll post the meeting agendas under the agenda tab as a running record. If you are a coach or club advisor, please make the necessary arrangements now.

      • The summer orders have been delivered and are awaiting final unpacking in most buildings. If you are short textbooks, please reach out after you have verified with your colleagues that there are no more books in the buildings.

      • Make sure you sign up for the district Twitter announcements as there will be no phone chain! 

      • Check out the blog for updates and information. I will use it as my primary site and way of maintaining clear and consistent communication with everyone. One blog post appears on the main page. Click on older posts to view additional postings. 

      Enjoy the final days of your summer vacation and I look forward to an amazing year with everyone!
